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You can also open it using the Command palette button in the dropdown menu in Windows Terminal Preview. You can run multiple shells side-by-side using panes. Learn more about panes on the Panes page. To customize the settings of your Windows Terminal, select Settings in the dropdown menu.

This will open the settings UI to configure your settings. You can learn how to open the settings UI with keyboard shortcuts on the Actions page. If you prefer to configure your Windows Terminal settings using code, rather than the graphic user interface, you can edit the settings.

Select Settings in the Windows Terminal dropdown menu while holding Shift to open the settings. The default text editor is defined in your Windows settings. The path for your Windows Terminal settings. You can launch the terminal in a specific configuration using command line arguments.

These arguments let you open the terminal with specific tabs and panes with custom profile settings. Learn more about command line arguments on the Command line arguments page. If you encounter any difficulties using the terminal, reference the Troubleshooting page. If you find any bugs or have a feature request, you can select the feedback link in the About menu of the terminal to go to the GitHub page where you can file a new issue. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported.

Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Install Windows Terminal. ZOC is one of the best terminal emulator and SSH client especially for programmers that want to access data on Unix machines from Windows.

The software is not free but has impressive features for advanced users. It is a one-stop tool for developers as it integrates connectivity to text-based servers and remote machines. One of its significant advantages is that it offers a tabbed interface, allowing developers to work on multiple terminal sessions simultaneously.

The software package is fully customizable to match the personal style of developers. Communicating with hosts using telnet and Secure Shell is easy. Download Zoc terminal emulator for windows. ConEmu is an open-source tabbed console emulator distinctively developed for Windows. ConEmu is one of the oldest software when it comes to terminal emulators, but even so, the team behind it have continuously introduced new features over time.

The software is popular among programmers as it provides deep customizations that include hotkeys, custom color palettes, and auto-hideable mode. The software is not the best for new users as it lacks several features such as remote connections.

Mintty is an open-source console emulator for Cygwin — Unix-like functionality for Windows. As Cygwin natively runs on Windows OS, mintty does not need a display server. The software tool is perfect for programmers that predominantly use Cygwin for Windows shell. It offers a flexible user interface and is more attached to the Unix standards. One of its key perks is that it provides a drag-and-drop feature, and supports copy and paste.

But its main advantages over its counterparts is the xterm compatibility. MobaXterm is one of the best all-in-one application for remote computing. It is an ultimate toolbox — where it provides several network tools and an unmatchable amount of functions in a single window. MobaXterm has two editions — Home and Professional. The professional version offers an unlimited number of sessions, tunnels, and macros. Moreover, it allows for more customization than the basic edition.

The software package is suitable for administrators, programmers, webmasters and everyone else who want to handle their remote tasks in merely and productively. Additionally, it provides a set of Unix commands such as bash, grep, rsync and many more.

MobaXterm offers an intuitive user interface to ensure efficient access to remote servers via multiple networks. Download MobaXterm. Babu is a shell that is built on Cygwin — Unix-style environment on Windows. The pre-configured Cygwin on Babun comes with many add-ons and needs only little to no setup.

Moreover, it has a plugin-oriented architecture. Download Babun. It is one of the oldest terminal emulators that are still actively developed and updated. Although initially developed for Windows OS, it is now ported to many operating systems. It does not support session tabs; several wrappers provide that function.

The application is solely programmed from Windows operating system. However, users can access Linux, and Unix machines. Xshell is a terminal emulator that mirrors the presence of virtual console. The software enables the computer to work as a terminal and make it easy for programmes to access data in a mainframe. Although it is designed for Windows, interacting with Linux servers is very easy. The software provides multiple drop-down tabs and therefore is a modular emulator.

The user-friendly interface allows developers to manage various tasks efficiently. XShell is often known for its security and transparency as it leverages the MIT Kerberos authentication system.

As such, users should not worry about data loss. Moreover, the program has an automatic update feature that downloads and installs it when new updates are available. Xshell is an ideal choice of a terminal emulator for both beginners and experts. Download XShell. ConsoleZ is an enhancement for Windows console that is not a shell akin to the above alternative terminal emulators. As such, it does not execute many of the shell features such as syntax coding and command history.

In simple terms, ConsoleZ is a better-looking front-end for the command. Moreover, there is no need to install as it will work along with the Windows command line.

Users can view multiple consoles side by side by splitting the console horizontally or vertically. While the inbuilt Windows console does not come with customization options, ConsolseZ acts as a perfect terminal emulator by making it more accessible and productive. Using ConsoleZ, programmers can modify the look by adding themes, tabs and many other visual tweaks to make the dull looking Windows Command Prompt more vibrant.

Download ConsoleZ. Console2 is one of the best terminal emulators and famous command prompt alternative for Windows. The program requires installations and is filled with lots of features that the original Windows command prompt lacks.


Windows Terminal Download ( Latest)

  Star Move to PGO Nuget It supports a multi-tabbed environment that permits programmers to work on multiple sessions simultaneously. ConEmu is one of the oldest software when it comes to terminal emulators, but even so, the team behind it have continuously introduced new features over time.    
